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koi wa eien / "my love for you is eternal"

ging nang boyz

(fun fact: there’s another version of this with “YUKI” as additional vocals , which gives a cute feel to it , even if i prefer the original~)

though ging nang boyz are known for their noisy vulgar punk music , this youthful , sweet , and nostalgic song is probably one of my all-time favorites .

mineta-san &co definitely aren’t afraid to write saccharine love songs , but this one is one of the dreamiest and sweetest ones ive ever heard . (which is shocking , given how downright filthy , lyrics and sound-wise , a lot of their other music can be LOL)

the jangle-pop sound and nostalgic chords and slower tempo work so well here ! it feels so insanely nostalgic my dad was convinced it was a cover of a song he’d already heard !

it makes me so happy ! it’s so filled with love and youthful joy - it makes me really savour the golden moments of my youth as they come and go :]

it really makes me want to find that special someone… i want someone i can eat almond tofu with , to laugh until i cry… i want that “eternal love” .

give it a listen , and see for yourself why i treasure this song~


恋は永遠 my love for you is eternal,
愛はひとつ my love belongs only to you .
夕暮れの街 watching the city at twilight:
泣いたり笑ったり the laughing & the crying .
白いブラウス that white blouse...
溶かしてよメロディ melt me , melody .
ストロベリーフィールズの夢 it's a dream of strawberry fields...
oh my baby.... oh my baby....
やりきれなくっても even when you can't bear it anymore ,
君が笑うから you still laugh .
いつもの部屋で you laugh again -
いつもみたいに like you always do -
君が笑うから in that room
やさしくって , やさしくって gracefully , gracefully...
oh my baby.... oh my baby....
わかんないまま without even noticing ,
僕らはやがて we will soon
大人になってくて be grown up .
君の瞳が your eyes
なにかをみてる are looking at something..
教えて 教えて tell me what it is , tell me what it is...
恋は永遠 my love for you is eternal
愛はひとつ my love belongs only to you..
ずぶ濡れのまま being dripping wet -
泣いたり笑ったり the laughing and the crying .
このままふたり the two of us -
どこへ行こうか where should we go ?
ストロベリーフィールズの夢 it's a dream of strawberry fields..
on my radio.... on my radio....
僕らがいつか even if we don't
ロックのレコードを listen to rock records
聴かなくなっても once ,
ロックはふたりを rock will surely never
あの日のふたりを forget us &
きっと忘れないから the ones we were when we first met .
空も 海も 君の背中も the sky , the sea , & your back
抱きしめられたらいいな should all be hugged tightly by me ♡
病んでも 詰んでも 賢者でも バグっても no matter if we fall sick , reach our limits , become wise men , or act strangely ,
月面のブランコは揺れる 今も the moon's swingset will still be swinging as it does today .
恋は永遠 my love for you is eternal,
愛はひとつ my love belongs only to you .
夕暮れの街 watching the city at twilight:
泣いたり笑ったり the laughing & the crying .
白いブラウス that white blouse...
溶かしてよメロディ melt me , melody .
ストロベリーフィールズの夢 it's a dream of strawberry fields...
セブンティーンアイス うんめー seventeen ice - it was all fate .
hey !